
Taking the Lead in Providing Solutions for a Circular Economy

In accordance with the fast-developing energy shift paradigm, we are expanding our business in the Energy Transition area to offer various solutions. We provide solutions that support the circular economy, such as optimized consulting services for greenhouse gas reduction and energy efficiency improvement; carbon management solutions such as carbon, capture, utilization and storage (CCUS); hydrogen (clean energy) solutions including the production, conversion and utilization of green and blue hydrogen; and bio plastic and plastic recycling aimed at addressing plastic waste issues.

We are committed to becoming a company that takes proactive measures to accommodate the energy shift together with the client by planning and executing a phased roadmap to achieve the client’s net-zero (carbon neutrality) targets, securing core green energy technologies, and developing flagship projects.

Major Projects




Service Guide

FEL : Front End Loading

E : Engineering

P : Procurement

C : Construction

Comm. : Commissioning

O&M : Operation & Maintenance

F : Financing
